Personality Test: What Your Face Shape Say About Your Personality?

Face Shape Personality Test: What does face shape say about personality? Does face shape determine personality? Your face can reveal fascinating truths about your personality. In this article, we explore the personality traits of each of the 4 types of face shapes – oval, square, round, and heart.

Face Shape Personality Test: Your face holds the secrets about your personality. Let us first understand what is the personality of a person. Personality is the combination of emotion, behaviour, motivation, and characteristics of the thought patterns of an individual. Data gathered through Physiognomy has revealed that there is a link between the human face and personality traits. Findings strongly support that the facial images of both men and women can predict their personality traits. An increasing number of studies have linked personality traits with face shape. These studies answer some burning questions: Does face shape determine personality? What is the most attractive face shape? And the answer is yes, these studies have shown some fascinating truths about human personality by analyzing the face shape.

Keep on reading to know what face shape says about your personality. In this article, we explore the personality traits of each of the 4 types of face shapes – oval, square, round, and heart. 

Face Shape Personality Test: What Does Your Face Say About You?

If you are curious about your personality traits based on your face shape, then this article is for you. Have a look in the mirror or a selfie to assess your face shape. Is it oval, diamond, square, round, or heart shape? Discover fascinating truths about your personality traits below.

Face Shape Personality Test

#1 Oval Face Shape Personality

Oval Face Shape Personality

Oval face shape personality traits reveal you are methodical, ambitious, practical, and a high achiever. You do not settle for things. You also do not tolerate wrongdoing. You may also face a lot of criticism for making noise against injustice. Though the good thing about you is that you have a knack for balancing things. You lead a life with certain rules and principles. You may not a big fan of the norms set by society. You know how to put your point across backed with facts. You have an independent thinking style. You do not like to be caged in one place or a routine. You love the outdoors where you may feel the most active and creative. You may be a mix of introversion and extroversion. You may also be quite charming in the ways you talk, walk, interact with people, or present yourself. You may have been told that people feel comfortable in your presence. You may be good at making others feel good.

#2 Square Face Shape Personality

Square Face Shape Personality

Square face shape personality traits reveal that you are headstrong, highly active and energetic, analytical, and quick-witted. You are found to be immensely proactive which means taking control of situations to get things done. You do not wait till there is a problem, you take active measures in avoiding a problem and produce good results. This quality makes you a calm person who has everything under control even in the most highly stressed situations. You enjoy working on big projects that have the possibility of making an impact. You may exude exceptional leadership qualities. Paired with your business acumen, you also make good decisions.

#3 Heart Face Shape Personality

Heart Face Shape Personality

Heart-face shape personality traits reveal that you have a rich imagination, creativity, memory, good perception, entrepreneurial skills, and strong intuition. These qualities also tell that you have a high emotional intelligence level. You may be strong-minded, stubborn, and have incredible inner strength. You may be pushy and uncompromising at times. If you set your mind on a goal, you will stop at nothing until you achieve it. You do not like to sit idle. You like to work on brainy projects that keep testing your intelligence level.

#4 Round Face Shape Personality

Round Face Shape Personality

Round face shape personality traits reveal that you may be soft-spoken, a people person, kind, nurturing, and giving (sometimes over-giver). These qualities also make you generous and helpful. You may find joy in helping others. However, this could lead to often forgetting your own needs. You may be compassionate, easy-going, tolerant, and good at interpersonal relationships. Though, you may often find yourself hurt due to too much over-giving and selflessness. You may also be highly optimistic and a believer in doing good deeds. You may often be told that you look innocent or have a baby-like face.