The Best and Worst Diet for Varicose Veins

Guava, strawberries, and papaya

These fruits have a very high vitamin C content. In fact, just one cup contains 90+ mg, the average adult’s entire recommended daily intake.

They’re also high in antioxidants. Some research shows that people with varicose veins are affected by oxidative stress. Put simply, oxidative stress is when you have too many free radicals in your body and not enough antioxidants to balance them out. As a result, the free radicals, which are essential in fighting pathogens, can instead start attacking your body’s protein structures (like collagen and elastin).

Antioxidants are also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, potentially reducing the appearance of varicose veins and associated swelling.

So, make a guava, strawberry and papaya smoothie or chop them up into a fruit salad.